Traditionally speaking, summer of 2018 includes 99 days spanning Memorial Day to Labor Day. Technically speaking, we have even less time: 93 days, 15 hours and 47 minutes, to be precise — June 21 to September 22. And then there is the cold, hard truth: Summer in Vermont might be all but over by the time you finish reading this paragraph. OK, we exaggerate. The warm-weather season in Vermont is woefully brief, but that doesn't mean it can't be chock-full of adventure. Taking full advantage of summer's fleeting bounty requires a bit of planning: You need a bucket list. To that end, we've compiled an admittedly exhaustive list of stuff to do. It's unlikely the average Vermonter could get to even a quarter of the activities presented here. But use our suggestions as a guide, and you'll be on your way to an epic summer. Catch the sunset from a boat on Lake Champlain. Catch the sunrise from the New York side of the lake. Swim with the dogs at Texaco Beach (aka Bum's Beach) in Burlington. Swim in any or all of the following lakes that aren't Champlain: Willoughby, Dunmore, Caspian, Memphremagog, Silver, Elmore, Carmi, Bomoseen, Seymour or the Waterbury Reservoir. Watch out for blue-green algae. Jump into Bristol Falls. Dip your toes in the water from the end of a wooden dock. Read Joe Hill's short story "By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain" sitting by the silver water of Lake Champlain. See a show at Bread and Puppet Theater in Glover. While you're there, visit the Museum of Everyday Life. Then sample beers at Hill Farmstead Brewery in nearby Greensboro Bend. Sit behind home plate at a Lake Monsters game — ideally on Hot Dog Heaven night, because 25-cent dogs. Call Dad on Father's Day. Granddad, too. Camp on the island at Green River Reservoir State Park in Hyde Park. Watch the outhouse race in Bristol on the Fourth of July. Make it through a double feature at the Sunset Drive-In in Colchester. Sip jalapeño margaritas at the Spot on the Dock in Burlington. Do the zipline at ArborTrek Canopy Adventures at Smugglers' Notch Resort. Ride the alpine slide at Bromley Mountain. Bike along the Champlain Causeway — but remember that the bike ferry is closed for repair this summer. Frowny face. Drive to a Vermont town you've never been to. (Bonus points if it's…